GT Sports Fishing Charters

How do you catch your dream GT on a sports fishing trip?

Giant Trevally Fishing Charters in Andaman Islands
Giant Trevally Fishing Charters in the Andaman Islands

Expert Giant Trevally Fishing Charters Await in the Andaman Islands!

Know GT fish first

Yes if you are targeting the GT fish you are required to know its whereabouts, at one of the best game fishing charters we will make sure that your target fish gets caught and you enjoy the day. However, if you can crunch down a bit of knowledge about the fish you are targeting, then things might go better. So what kind of species is a GT?

Great Trevally (Caranx ignobilis) is the largest member of the Caranx family. It has its primary distribution in the Indo-Pacific Oceanic region and Australian shallow waters. The main purpose that these fishes are spotted is deep sea fishing and primitive hunting. At Island Fishing, we strictly prohibit any form of harm to the GTs

Where do GT Fish reside?

The GTs mainly reside in the areas where the scope of hunting is just a bit more, and this depends upon the age group they are in. For instance, the young GT might dive into the deep seas on account of the flexibility that their body has, however, the older ones might not go that further, and they might prefer to stay in the shallow waters. However, the rampage provided by island fishing is capable of landing at the appropriate position to catch the fish.

Know the pieces of equipment you need to catch GT Fish?

What kind of rods and reels do you need to catch GT Fish?

Minimum rod length for the casting of 7ft and up to 9 ft. Preferably choose a strong, lightweight graphite rod rated PE 6-10 to suit the lure size and area you plan to fish. A lower-cost example would be the Azusa 902H or for high-end Carpenter Monster Hunter and Blue Lagoon. A quality reel is advisable for example Shimano Stella, Sustain, Biomaster size10000-20000 or the Daiwa Saltiga or Saltist size 4500-6500. At Island Fishing, we provide you with the best equipment in stock. 

What about lines and leaders?

Mainline PE 6-10 braid
Min.100-200lb leader, fluorocarbon preferred 

These are just some basic requirements that you need to know while you target the GT fish.

We hope that these pieces of information might be of some help to you just in you are not in the mood to read this much. No worries! Come to the spot and our crew will help you.

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