In Andaman Island’s rich waters, the diverse fish species beckon within the top-rated Game Fishing Charters. Among the sought-after catches, the Great Trevally, Bluefin Trevally, and Black Marlin hold their prominent positions. Let’s delve into the most popular fishes found in Andaman for game fishing—grasp the opportunity, relish the moments, cast your line, hook, and reel in the thrill.

Giant Trevally (GT)

Giant Trevally is one of the most exotic fish found in Andaman and has been on the record as the most sought-after fish for sports fishing. The target to hit the GT has been consistently on the rise since the popularization of sports fishing


Equipment Used for catching GT

Breeding Season

Varies, typically warmer months.

Best Season to Catch

Year-round, with consistent water temperatures preferred.

Dogtooth Tuna

Catching Dogtooth Tuna has been a challenge to many experienced anglers which they happily accept. The nibbling moving fish has seen a rising popularity in among the fishes found in Andaman in terms of its exoticness and the satisfying nature which the anglers get after catching it though. 


Equipment Used for catching Dogtooth Tuna

Breeding Season

Live bait for attraction.

Best Season to Catch

Year-round, with specific conditions for significant catches.

Goliath Grouper

When it comes to Goliath Grouper you just have no option other than fluffing with the brown giant and catching it, for it is one of the rarest species found in Andaman if you get it you know it, you have got the best of them all


Equipment Used for catching Goliath Grouper

Breeding Season

Goliath Groupers typically spawn during the summer months, with peak activity occurring from July to September.

Best Season to Catch

After the breeding season, there may be increased fishing activity as the groupers disperse from aggregation sites.

Yellowfin Tuna

The Yellowfin Tuna, a rare fish found in the Andaman Sea, is renowned for its vibrant yellow dorsal fin and streamlined body. With impressive speed and agility, this species is a prized catch for both recreational anglers and commercial fisheries, contributing to the rich biodiversity of the Andaman Islands.


Equipment Used for catching Yellowfin Tuna

Breeding Season

Varies, influenced by water conditions.

Best Season to Catch

Year-round, with peak seasons based on local conditions.


The Sailfish is easily recognizable by its sail-like dorsal fin and vibrant colours. This species is known for its acrobatic leaps and high-speed chases. Sailfish are prized catches in sports fishing due to their speed, agility, and the thrilling experience they provide to anglers


Equipment Used for catching Salifish

Breeding Season

Varies, typically warmer months.

Best Season to Catch

Targeted in warmer seasons, with specific peak times.

Marlin (Black Marlin and Blue Marlin)

Marlins, including Black Marlin and Blue Marlin, are large and powerful fish with elongated bodies and distinctive bills. They are considered prestigious catches in sports fishing, prized for their size, strength, and the challenge they pose to anglers during the fight.


Equipment Used for catching Marlin

Breeding Season

Varies, influenced by water temperature.

Best Season to Catch

Targeted in warmer seasons, with specific peak times.


Barracuda is an aggressive predator with sharp teeth, an elongated body, and a silvery appearance. It is known for its fast and powerful runs, providing an exciting experience for sports anglers. Barracuda are sought after for their aggressive strikes and strong, dynamic fights.


Equipment Used for catching Barracuda

Breeding Season

Varies, influenced by water conditions.

Best Season to Catch

Can be caught year-round, with local variations.

Leopard Coral grouper


Equipment Used for catching Mahi-Mahi

Breeding Season

Leopard coral groupers typically engage in their breeding activities during the late spring and early summer months.

Best Season to Catch

The optimal season for catching leopard coral groupers is during the warmer months of the year, typically from late spring to early autumn.
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